The Teams

LMSSC Junior
LMSSC Junior - ready for new experiences!
After tryouts, team practices, and choreography for TWO amazing programs, the team is ready to challenge themselves in a new category.
The skaters have lots of support from club and family and are looking forward to the exciting experiences coming up in the 2019-20 season!
Have fun, Juniors!
Events planned for season:
- Monitoring
- GVSSC Gala
- BC/YK Competition
- Junior World Qualifier (at Winterfest)
- Mountain Regionals
- West Coast Challenge
- Synchronized Nationals
Coached by: Danalee Harrison
Managed by: Jenny Milne

Ice X-pectation
up to age 15
x-pec-ta-tion [ek-spek-tey-shuhn] (noun): a prospect of future success; looking forward to
Juvenile Team - Ice X-pectation
The skaters are looking forward to showing off their new 2019-20 team and program!
Events planned for the season:
- Monitoring
- GVSSC Gala
- BC/YK Open
- Mountain Regionals
- West Coast Challenge
Coached by: Danalee Harrison
Managed by: Cari Shorrock

Ice X-cel
x-cel [ik-sel] (verb): to do better than; exceed
Pre-Novice Team - Ice X-cel
More skaters equals more fun! This group of passionate skaters are keen to compete this season.
Events planned:
- Monitoring
- GVSSC Gala
- BC/YK Open
- Mountain Regionals
- West Coast Challenge
Coached by: Danalee Harrison
Managed by: Alisa Hirata

Ice X-calibur
15 and up
x-calibur: ex-cal-i-bur (in Arthurian legend) the magic sword of King Arthur
OPEN TEAM - Ice X-calibur
Our 2019-20 Open team has completed their choreography and have a fantastic, fun program.
Planned events are:
- Monitoring
- GVSSC Gala
- BC/YK Open
- Winterfest
- Mountain Regionals
- West Coast Challenge
- Synchronized Nationals
Coached by: Danalee Harrison
Managed by: Coleen Melsted

Ice X-quisite
x-quis-ite [ik-skwiz-it] (adjective): of special beauty and charms; rare and appealing excellence.
Adult II Team - Ice X-quisite
This season has a new mix of skaters, new ice time, new off-ice time. It's going to be a very energetic program. Can't wait to show it off!
Events planned:
- Monitoring
- GVSSC Gala
- BC/YK Open
- Mountain Regionals
- West Coast Challenge
Coached by: Danalee Harrison
Managed by: Jenny Milne

Ice X-perience
Ice X-perience [ik-speer-ee-uh ns]: knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in or exposure to it.
Adult III Team
These ladies love to skate! The ladies are excited and enthusiastic about the new season and pumped about the program!
Events planned for season:
- Monitoring
- GVSSC Gala
- BC/YK Competition
- Mountain Regionals
- West Coast Challenge
Coached by: Danalee Harrison
Managed by: Cathy McCormack